Mother, Baby & Kids

Healing Cancer with Food: Is it Possible? Here’s the Truth.


Cancer. A word that sends chills up the spine. Something you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. And yet, the numbers don’t lie.

More and more people in Malaysia are succumbing to this silent killer. An unfortunate consequence of an increasingly polluted world. Over 40,000 people were diagnosed in 2021, and experts say that number is expected to double by 2040.

While chemo and radiotherapy remain the gold standard for cancer treatment, they do leave lasting, life-long scars in the body.

You may have survived cancer, but you may be dealing with the aftermath years down the line. A cold reality that has led many down the path of alternative medicine.

According to oncologists Dr Wan Zamaniah Wan Ishak and Dr Mastura Md Yusof:

“There are also many traditional healers and health practitioners in Malaysia offering alternative therapies to standard-of-care medicine for people with cancer. The Internet and uncontrolled social media advertisements have allowed some unapproved practices to flourish, which has contributed to a delay in people seeking standard cancer treatment. Overall, avoiding diagnosis and treatment or seeking alternative therapies are common practices in Malaysia, which further contributes to poor survival outcomes.”

Miracle Pills, Quack Cures and Snake Oil

It’s nothing short of a crime to capitalise on the pain and desperation of others. And yet, ‘quack medicine’ is a thriving industry that’s worth billions, especially in the United States.

But in contrast to this rather modern enterprise, Malaysia’s alternative medicine scene is rooted in traditional healing. With many turning to witchdoctors and shamans for salvation.

If you’re lucky, nothing happens. Worst case scenario, the vitamins and supplements you’re taking actually contraindicates any cancer treatments you’re currently undergoing.

Resulting in deadly and irreversible side effects.

The Dangers of Alternative Medicine

While there is no doubt that certain herbal preparations have anti-cancer properties, many if not most are simply cheap ‘snake oil’ meant to fool gullible customers.

Some of these so-called healers are also guilty of using religious and mystical vocabulary to entice people into accepting a ‘miracle cure’. Using clever disclaimers in the process. It’s a good marketing tactic.

But the problem arises when these cures are used in place of effective western medicine, which endanger the patient’s life when the cancer could have easily been treated.

In 2018, a breast cancer patient died after following a quack doctor’s prescription of chlorophyll, cordyceps and colloidal silver.

This case is probably not the only one we will hear about. Probably hundreds of Malaysians have fallen prey to fraud doctors who claim to be able to heal their cancer.

That’s why it’s so important to do your research before trusting these so-called specialists. If they use unscientific terms, make bold claims or offer glittery testimonials, then that’s probably a sign you should run the other way.

The Food-Cancer Connection: Fact Vs Fake

While vitamins and supplements can hardly be considered ‘food’, they usually qualify when talking about the food-cancer connection. Basically, anything taken orally.

And the whole ‘healing with food’ movement is not only limited to certain kinds of ingredients, either.

Plant-based diets have also been heavily advocated in the prevention and cure of cancer.

But the anti-cancer diet phenomenon didn’t fully take the world by storm until Chris Wark published a book about it and how he conquered stage 3 colorectal cancer by just adjusting his diet. There are a couple of reasons why his work is problematic, but that’s a story for another day.

The truth is, food does play a crucial role in fighting off illnesses, even something as serious as cancer. And dozens of diseases can be managed and even reversed just by tweaking your diet.

Some cancer studies even show that you can increase your chances of survival by up to 50% just by eating the right foods. The caveat being you follow the recommended diet and forego all those quack cures you found on Facebook.

The Only ‘Anti-Cancer’ Diet You Need

From honey fermented garlic and bamboo shoots to soursop leaves and baking soda, Malaysians have used various so-called cures to heal their cancer. While these regimens are relatively harmless, it’s important to not treat individual supplements as miracle cures.

As much as we hate to admit it, western medicine has some of the best-researched treatment against cancer. But adjusting your diet is not only beneficial, it may just help your body beat the disease.

Foods to Eat or Increase

When cooking, consider using olive oil. It’s also recommended to cook foods through stewing, boiling and braising. A raw, plant-based diet is even better if you’re willing to make the change.

  • Fatty fish: Tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines
  • Fruits: Blueberries, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, apples, papaya, mangosteen
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, carrots, garlic, tomatoes
  • Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, pistachios
  • Spices: Turmeric, cinnamon, saffron, oregano, cayenne pepper
  • Teas: Green tea, rooibos, earl grey

Foods to Avoid or Reduce

When cooking, avoid grilling, broiling, deep-frying and other methods that involve high-heat as this process can release a lot of carcinogenic compounds. Especially when applied to animal products.

  • Sweeteners: Raw cane sugar
  • Refined carbs: White bread, white rice
  • Red meat: Beef, lamb, mutton, pork
  • Trans fats: Margarine, coffee creamer, fried foods
  • Processed meats: Sausages, bacon, cured/deli meat
  • Alcoholic beverages

Supplements to Try

While we don’t recommend alternative treatments at all in the place of modern medicine, here are some science-backed supplements that you can consider incorporating into your diet—not replace it. As part of whole-food meals, or as supplements. With recommendation from your oncologist, of course.

  • Flaxseeds
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium

Some of our locally grown flora like misai kucing, for instance, have shown remarkable promise in helping fight cancer.

Fighting Cancer with Food

At the end of the day the best anti-cancer diet is the one recommended by your doctor.

You can, of course, propose your own dietary plan but as long as you get adequate nutrition, your body should be healthy enough to weather through those aggressive cancer treatments.

That said, it’s sometimes easier (and cheaper) to stick with what’s tried and tested. Foods that contain all the nutrients you need to beat the disease.

However, even if you take all the science-backed anti-cancer herbs and pills on the market, as long as you smoke and drink or are overweight, you won’t get any closer to recovering.

So, ditch those so-called magic pills and opt for a more holistic approach even when it comes to fighting diseases with food. Medical intervention coupled with dietary changes could potentially be life-saving. Even if you don’t have cancer.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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