Mother, Baby & Kids

Pregnancy Food: Medicinal Herbs

pregnant woman

We last covered the list of beverages which are safe to consume while pregnant and which should be avoided. Now, we bring you medicinal herbs!

Are medicinal herbs like petai, ginseng and ginger safe to be consumed by pregnant women?

In Malaysia, we have varieties of medicinal herbs that we consume in different cultures. Those herbs are rich in essential nutrients which give us numerous health benefits. But, is it safe to consume those herbs for pregnant mummies? Some may not be. The questions is, which are pregnancy-friendly and which aren’t?

Let’s explore more on these medicinal herbs together, shall we?

Safe Medicinal Herbs for Pregnancy

Ginger is great for pregnant mums! It is good to relieve morning sickness, nausea and stomach ache during pregnancy. Ginger consumption also improves digestion.

Swallow’s nest (Bird’s nest)

Expectant mums can consume swallow’s nest. It contains amino acids which are good for you and your baby’s health. The amino acids in this herb are also great for your hair and skin. Just remember to clean it thoroughly before consuming them.

Stink bean (Petai)

You can surely use some extra iron from stink beans during your pregnancy. Expecting mums should consume it to supply more iron for the placenta and growing baby, especially in your second and third semesters. Stink beans provide numerous essential minerals which are good for your pregnancy. For instance, stink beans are rich in vitamin C which can help you to absorb those minerals into your body. Additionally, ‘petai‘ is also good to ensure healthy digestive health, kidney health, and mental health. Not only that, but it is also good to ensure healthy dental and bone health. However, as the name suggests, you may want to be mindful if pungent smells upset you.

Dogfruit (Jering)

Dogfruits, also known locally as ‘jering‘ are good herbs to consume during pregnancy. These herbs are high in calcium and improves your foetus’s bone growth. These herbs are also rich in fibre, which prevents you from getting constipation. Dogfruits also help to prevent anaemia, overcome cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Banana blossom

Expectant mummies can consume banana blossom! This herb has many essential nutrients that are great for you and your baby. Banana blossom can help to prevent vitamin deficiency for your baby. This herb is also packed with vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant. Banana blossoms also aids in reducing your morning sickness and combats anaemia. Not only that, but these herbs help to lower your blood sugar. This is beneficial for diabetic patients as it reduces your sugar intake daily.

Winged beans

Malaysians sure do enjoy winged beans. This herb has numerous health benefits that are great for your pregnancy! It can help pregnant mums to boost their energy and immunity. It is also rich in calcium which strengthens your muscles and promotes your teeth and nail health. Winged beans can also help you to treat a nutrient deficiency as these herbs are packed with beneficial nutrients. Winged beans also prevent maternal anaemia, low birth weight, and any neural tube defects in your baby.

Java ginger 

Java ginger is a medicinal herb that has a curcumin component which can be found in turmeric. It can be eaten raw to ease indigestion. Java ginger can prevent you from getting preeclampsia during pregnancy. This herb also can improve your foetal brain development as it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, this herb helps your oral cavity health. This is great because pregnant mums always have bleeding gums. But, do consult your doctor before applying it to your gums.

Pea eggplant

Malaysians often use pea eggplant or terung pipit in their curry and sauces! It also can be eaten raw. Pea eggplant also has numerous health benefits for pregnant women. It can help to prevent anaemia and diabetes. It is also good for your brain and heart health. Pea eggplant can also nourish your skin as it contains vitamin C and E. It is also great to ease digestion because it has antibacterial agents.

Indigowoad root

You can consume indigowoad root during pregnancy but in small quantities. It can help to boost your immunity.

Medicinal herbs to avoid during your pregnancy

Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd is one of most popular herbs in Malaysia as we normally use in our dish or eat it raw. It provides numerous essential nutrients and boosts your immunity. However, you should avoid this herb during your pregnancy. This herb might cause favism which can lead to anaemia. This herb might also affect your uterine system which could lead to premature labour. It might cause contractions, bleeding uterine or miscarriage. So, it is best for you to avoid eating these herbs during your first trimester of pregnancy.


Ginseng is a really popular Chinese medicinal herb. However, mums-to-be needs to avoid consuming ginseng during their pregnancy. Ginseng can cause insomnia, diarrhoea, and headache.

Dong quai

Mums-to-be should not avoid eating dong quai. This is because it might cause uterine contractions during your pregnancy. This leads to premature delivery or worse, miscarriages.

Platycodon root

Platycodon root is an unsafe traditional Chinese medicinal herb to consume during pregnancy. There is not enough reliable information about its side effects, so it is best to avoid it.

Chinese cinnamon

Pregnant mums should avoid Chinese cinnamon. This is because they might promote allergies and rashes and also lower blood glucose levels. In addition, this cinnamon also triggers menstrual flow which can lead to miscarriages.

Chinese licorice

Chinese licorice is not safe for expectant mums. Studies show that children whose mums had consumed massive quantities of licorice are more likely to have developmental problems. This herb can also lead to premature labour or miscarriage.

Chinese artichoke

This herb does not have enough reliable information about its side effects. So, it is best for pregnant mummies to avoid it.

Black cardamom

Expectant mums can consume food that has this herb. However, you cannot use black cardamom as a medicine. This is as it might lead to a miscarriage.

Turtle jelly

Super mums-to-be should avoid eating turtle jelly as this herb might affect your digestive system. This herb might lead to gastrointestinal discomforts for you. In addition, it might also stimulate your uteruses, which might lead to early birth and miscarriage.

Lingzhi mushroom

You should restrain yourself from eating lingzhi mushrooms during pregnancy. This is because this herb still lacks reliable information about its consumption for pregnant women.

Additional information

Chinese people use some medicine to improve energy levels and strengthen their body during pregnancy. These medicines contain a lot of herbs. So, it is important to know which Chinese medicines are safe and unsafe for your pregnancy.

According to traditional Chinese medicine experts, they do not commonly suggest for pregnant women to consume Chinese herbs. The only exception is if the pros of consuming them are greater than its cons.

Be mindful to only consume safe medicinal herbs while pregnant

Alright, so we can see here that consuming safe herbs during pregnancy is vital as they can affect you and your baby. With that said, please keep in mind that you are eating for two now.


Now that you know which medicinal herbs are safe to consume while pregnant and which aren’t, check out this list of other non-pregnancy friendly foods here.

Discover which grains and potatoes are safe to consume during your pregnancy and which you should avoid here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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