Mother, Baby & Kids

Pregnancy Food: Seasoning & Sauces


Before this, we covered on which nuts and seeds are safe to eat while carrying and which should be avoided. This time, let’s look into seasoning and sauces!

Is it safe to consume seasoning and sauces during my pregnancy?

Seasoning and sauces are the essential essences in most Malaysian dishes. Pregnant mums should be aware that there are certain seasonings and sauces that are safe to consume during your pregnancy, while some are not. What are the seasonings and sauces to consume during pregnancy and which should be avoided?

Let’s explore more about it together, shall we?

Safe Seasoning and Sauces to Consume During Pregnancy


Pregnant women can have sesame. It helps with constipation. The calcium in sesame seeds can aid with your baby’s bone development. Lastly, sesame also lowers the risk of premature labour.


Mums-to-be can consume vinegar too. Vinegar can help to relieve nausea and improve your immune system. However, you must consume them in moderation as they might cause you heartburn.


Tabasco sauce is safe to consume during pregnancy. It doesn’t have any proven side effects for pregnant women. So, you can still enjoy a little hint of spice with this sauce paired with your food.


Mummies who love Mexican dishes might love salsa. Don’t worry, you won’t have to give it up as expectant mums can eat salsa. This seasoning is filled with numerous healthy ingredients that contain good nutrients. Salsa is rich in vitamins that supply antioxidants for you and your foetus.


You can also eat pesto during your pregnancy. It contains a lot of nutritional ingredients like basils and pine nuts. Basil contains antioxidants that are good for you. Pine nuts are also high in protein which helps to develop your baby. Just remember to wash the ingredients thoroughly, if you are making it at home.

Oyster sauce

Pregnant mums can also consume oyster sauce it contains nutrients that are beneficial to you and your baby. However, you have to consume it in limited quantities. This is as it has high sodium content. You should also avoid consuming it if you are allergic to seafood.


Ketchup is safe to eat during your pregnancy. Feel free to continue pairing it with your favorite foods to enhance the flavours. However, consume it in moderation as it has high salt content.

Soy sauce

Pregnant mums can have soy sauce, but in a limited amount only. This is as it contains a high level of salt which could affect your blood pressure and the health of your baby’s kidneys. You are recommended to use low-salt soy sauce.


Expectant mummies can consume cloves too. They have anti-inflammatory properties which are good for you. However, you should not consume clove oil.

Chicken stock cube

Chicken stock cubes are essential in Malaysian dishes. Luckily, you can continue to consume them during pregnancy. There are brands which sell without MSG these days, be sure to pick those up when you grocery shop!

Black sesame

You can have black sesame during your pregnancy. It is a great source of folic acid which can prevent developmental disorders in your baby. Black sesame is also good for your hair.

Dried orange peel

Pregnant women can have dried orange peel. They are filled with antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties. The vitamins in this seasoning are beneficial to improve your baby’s immunity and skin. However, you have to eat it in moderation as it might cause indigestion.

Moderation is Key


Expectant mums can consume salt during pregnancy but in limited quantities. If you have too much of them, you might get water retention and swelling. Salt can also lead to hypertension. So, you need to limit your daily consumption of salt to be a healthy mum-to-be.

White sugar

You can consume white sugar during your pregnancy. But in small amounts only. This is as they contain almost no nutrients and can lead to unnecessary weight gain. White sugar can also increase the risk of diabetes, blood pressure, tooth decay, and hypertension during pregnancy.

Brown sugar

Pregnant mums can have brown sugar. It is more refined compared to white sugar. It is better to consume brown sugar over white ones, but remember not to overuse it as it is still sugar.


I know many Malaysian pregnant mums may be fond of sambal. It often pairs perfectly with many dishes. Chances are you may be a fan. Well, no worries as you can consume sambal. Just remember to do so in moderation. Sambal has high salt content and might increase blood pressure levels. It could also cause swelling and give you heartburn.

Black pepper

Expectant mums can eat black pepper. They have numerous health benefits which includes digestive health and anti-inflammatory properties. You should consume them in moderation as too much of this seasoning might lead to miscarriage.


You can eat kimchi during your pregnancy. However, remember to do so in moderation. Kimchi has many health benefits but it also contains high salt content.

Garam masala

Indian cuisine uses garam masala in their delicious curry. Fret not as mums-to-be can consume garam masala in a limited amount.

Seasonings and Sauces to Avoid While Pregnant

Chinese cinnamon

You cannot consume Chinese cinnamon during your pregnancy as it might cause allergies and rashes. It can also lower your blood glucose level which is unsafe for your pregnancy. Additionally, this cinnamon can also promote menstrual flow which can lead to miscarriage.


I know belacan is hard to resist,  but you need to avoid consuming it. This is as belacan is still raw paste and might contain harmful bacteria.

Cooking wine

Pregnant women should not consume cooking wine. It is unsafe to consume alcohol during while pregnant.


Mums-to-be cannot eat wasabi. The spiciness might cause indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy.


You have to avoid consuming nutmeg during your pregnancy. This is because it can lead to premature labour and miscarriage.

Consume safe seasoning and sauce during your pregnancy

Pregnant mums should only consume safe seasoning and sauces during their pregnancy. Always be mindful of your intake while carrying as you’re now eating for two.


Now that you know which seasoning and sauces are safe to consume while pregnant and which aren’t, take a look at some additional foods to avoid during your pregnancy here.

Additionally, don’t forget to check out which beverages are safe to consume during your pregnancy and which you should avoid here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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