Mother, Baby & Kids

Pregnancy Food: Herbs

pregnant woman with herb

Before this, we talked about which vegetables are safe to consume and which should be avoided during pregnancy. Today, let’s take a look at herbs!

As most of us know, our country is rich in varieties of herbs. All of these herbs provide extra flavours to our dishes. Herbs consist of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Even so, when you’re carrying, you need to be more mindful of what you eat as you’re now eating for two. Hence, you might wonder if it is safe to consume certain herbs during pregnancy. So, which herbs should be consumed and which should be avoided during pregnancy?

Let’s explore together, shall we?

Herbs Safe To Consume During Your Pregnancy

Raspberry leaf

Mums-to-be can consume raspberry leaves. Raspberry leaf tones and prepares your womb for childbirth. It also relieves your nausea and assists in blood circulation. It is especially recommended for mums-to-be who have anaemia.


Nettle has essential minerals for pregnant mums! It is also known as a nutritive tonic. Nettle can support your pregnancy while nourishing your skin.


Expectant mums can consume fennels. They relieve your muscles, cramps, gas and bloating. Bitter fennels can also alleviate water retention.


Pregnant mums can consume fenugreek, too! It helps supply healthy breast milk later on.


Thistle is a nutritive tonic that is good for mums-to-be. It helps to maintain a healthy lactation.

Milky oats

Milky oats consumption is a great support to your nervous system. Hence, it is very good to eat milky oats during pregnancy.


Turmeric is one of the more well-known herbs in Malaysia. Mums-to-be can consume them as part of their healthy pregnancy diets. Turmeric improves your blood circulation and helps dissolve blood clots faster. It also boosts your energy levels.


Garlic is good for pregnant mums! It reduces bloating and improves your immunity. Garlic also helps with your blood pressure and regulates your blood. It helps  with your digestion and maintain normal blood sugar in your body, too.


Mums-to-be can consume mints, too. They help to maintain a healthy blood pressure, while assisting in dealing with anaemia and nausea. Not only that, but mints also have anti-inflammatory properties, too!


Cranberries have many health benefits. Especially for pregnant mum’s urinary health. Cranberries contain many minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These are all important for your body. Consuming them can hydrate your body and avoid you from getting urinary tract infections.

Moderation is Key


Pregnant mummies can consume dandelions. It contains balancing properties which regulates blood flow and prevents water retention. Dandelion also has anti-inflammatory properties which prevent pregnancy-bloating and swelling. However, you must consume no more than a cup of dandelion tea per day.


Lavender is also safe for pregnant mums. Lavenders help with many pregnancy hardships such as muscle tension, stress, anxiety, and headaches. You can drink lavender tea to help you to breathe better and relax more easily. You should drink a cup of lavender tea per day. But please consume it in moderate amounts.


Pregnant mums can consume chamomile. It relieves stomach discomfort, gas, bloating, and nausea during your pregnancy. It also has calming properties that help soothe your body and mind. However, please consume it in moderation.


Mums-to-be can take parsleys as part of their healthy diet. Parsley has numerous health benefits but remember to consume it in moderation. Parsley helps to improve urine production and digestion. This herb is good for your baby’s nervous system and helps you manage stress during pregnancy better. Not only that, parsley also has antioxidants which improves your immunity system. Lastly, it helps with pregnancy-related swelling and constipation, too.


Pregnant mummies can consume lemongrass but in small quantities only. Lemongrass might lower the pregnant mum’s blood pressure to dangerous levels. So, it is recommended to consult with your doctor first before consuming them.

Herbs Expecting Mums Should Avoid


Peppermint is one of the worst herbs for mums-to-be especially for the first trimester! This herb can cause menstruation.


Rosemary is a healthy herb. However, it is unsafe for pregnant mum’s consumption. It is hard to digest and increases your blood pressure. Rosemary can also cause hypertension and fatigue for mums-to-be. Some doctors don’t recommend eating rosemary after the first trimester as it might affect the baby.


You cannot consume motherwort during your pregnancy. This is because this herb can trigger the uterus and lead to a miscarriage.

American ginseng

Pregnant mums cannot take American ginseng. Avoid this herb as it might cause itchiness, diarrhoea and high blood pressure.

Consume safe herbs during your pregnancy

Now that we know which herbs are safe to consume and which to avoid during pregnancy, mums-to-be should remember to always maintain a healthy diet. Always remember to keep healthy for both you and your baby. Have a read here to know more on healthy foods to eat during pregnancy.


Check out which dairy products are safe to consume during your pregnancy and which you should avoid here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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