Mother, Baby & Kids

Postpartum Diet: Eggs, Legumes & Soy

woman eating tofu

We last shared which seafood is safe for new mummies to eat after childbirth and which should be avoided. This time, we’ll be checking out more eggs, legumes and soy! Egg, legumes, and soy are superfoods for postpartum mums as they are rich in many essential nutrients. They are high in protein which can reduce your blood pressure. These foods can also lower the risk of getting diabetes and repair some muscles after giving birth. However, not all egg, legumes, and soy products are great for your postpartum body. Some of them should be consumed in moderation and avoided during the confinement period.

Want to know more about it? Let’s explore it together!

Safe Eggs, Legumes, and Soy to Consume After Childbirth

Red bean

Postpartum mummies can consume red beans! They can boost your immune system and relieve digestion problems. Red beans can also restore the red blood cells that you lost during childbirth.

Mung bean

You can eat mung beans after giving birth. They are rich in minerals and vitamins, while low in cholesterol and fat. This is great to recover your postpartum body! You can try to boil them in salted water, then eat them with a salad of your choice!


Soybean is great to eat as a balanced confinement meal! They are high in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, which helps you to maintain normal blood pressure and aids hypertension.

Scarlet runner bean

After giving birth, postpartum mummies can consume scarlet runner beans. These beans are high in carbohydrates and vitamins. These nutrients help you to strengthen your stomach and spleen. They also help to boost your immunity and regulate fat.

Fava bean

New mummies can help themselves with fava beans. The beans are rich in fibre and other essential nutrients and lean protein, which helps to improve your physical strength and disease resistance. However, nursing mummies that have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency need avoid these beans at all cost. This is because your baby might get affected via breast milk. You may want to check with your doctor for more queries.


New mummies can eat peanuts during the postpartum recovery period. Peanuts are rich in many essential nutrients which helps to improve your overall health. However, you might want to eat in small quantities as peanuts can make you gain unnecessary weight.


You can eat chickpeas after giving birth. They are rich in carbohydrates, folates, and other nutrients which helps you to improve your healing process. Go ahead and toss some of them into your pasta or curry!


Feel free to lentils in your confinement period. They are rich in essential nutrients like iron and protein, which helps to rebuild your tissues and recover your body after giving birth.

Chicken egg

Postpartum mums can consume chicken eggs. They are high in nutrients that help you to nourish your postpartum body. Chicken eggs can also restore your energy!

Quail egg

Quail eggs are great for postpartum mummies. They can help to repair your cells and tissues while enhancing your immune system and preventing chronic diseases. Quail eggs are also good to reduce blood pressure and improve metabolism.

Duck egg

You can consume duck eggs during your postpartum period. Duck eggs are high in high-quality nutrients which help you to heal after giving birth. Just remember to avoid salted duck eggs as they contain high levels of salt.

Hard bean curd

New mums can have hard bean curd after childbirth. You just have to watch over your intake and its freshness. You need to limit your consumption, however, because it has high sodium content and many food additives.

Bean curd sheet (Yuba)

Bean curd sheets, also known as yuba, can be eaten after giving birth. They are rich in calcium, protein, and fats. Bean curd sheets also contain phospholipids, which can help to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Consume in Moderation

Goose egg

You need to eat goose eggs in moderation after giving birth. Goose eggs are high in nutrients that are easily absorbed by your body. Not only that, it is also great for your recovery process. But goose eggs have high levels of fat and cholesterol as compared to normal eggs. So, it is better to watch over your consumption.

Chinese tea egg

New mummies can eat Chinese tea eggs in their confinement period. But, in small quantities. This is because these eggs have caffeine which might hinder your recovery process and add extra work to your kidney.

Chinese fermented bean curd

You need to eat Chinese fermented bean curd in moderation after childbirth. Chinese fermented bean curd is rich in calcium and protein, which are great for postpartum mummies, especially vegetarian mummies. But, please avoid it if you have allergies or hypothyroidism.

Black bean

Black beans need to be eaten in moderate quantities during the postpartum period. They are high in protein and iron which helps to recharge your strength after delivery. These beans are also rich in fibre which help to prevent constipation. But, it might also cause constipation for certain mums. These beans are great for vegetarian mummies. Just remember that like all legumes, black beans also have phytohaemagglutinin. This can be toxic if you consume too many of them raw or undercooked.

Avoid Eating These Eggs, Legumes, and Soy During Postpartum

Hyacinth beans

It is best to avoid hyacinth beans after giving birth. This is because they are unsafe when eaten in huge quantities and raw. Raw hyacinth beans have chemicals known as cyanogenic glycosides which is poisonous, if it is not cooked properly.

Fermented black soybeans (douche)

New mummies need to avoid consuming fermented black soybeans in their postpartum period. If you want to eat them, just limit your consumption. It is safer for you to eat other foods.

Let’s eat eggs, legumes, and soy after giving birth!

You should eat these foods to help you to heal after giving birth—the safe ones. For non-meat eaters, you can try to add legumes and soy into your confinement diet. This will help you to obtain all the similar nutrients to other mummies who consume meat.


Here are some other foods that you must consume during your postpartum period.

Check out which nuts and seeds are safe for you to consume after giving birth and which should be avoided here.

Read more on healthy foods and recipes on Motherhood Story!