The 3 Trimesters

A first-timer parent? So you are just getting the news that you are conceiving for the first time and you aren’t that sure of how the upcoming three trimesters look like? Well, you don’t even know what is a trimester! Don’t you worry! As a snippet, a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks and it is divided into three trimesters – 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Be prepared as each trimester comes with its own specific hormonal, physical, and physiological changes; but it differs on each individual and pregnancy.
Here is where you can get tips and tricks about the three (3) trimesters. Stay tuned with more information for your motherhood journey at

Fasting and Pregnancy


Many women choose to fast in pregnancy due to their personal beliefs or religious commitments. Festivals in which it is common to fast such…

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms


Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life. Pregnancy causes dramatic changes to  a woman’s physical appearances, emotions and well being. Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman…

Oppps, it’s Braxton Hicks!


 During pregnancy, many women experience pain and contractions that can be felt throughout the pregnancy, some right from the first trimester. These transient contractions…